Sunday, October 25, 2009


I did this piece for today's LA Times. It was one of those very rare images that popped into my head fully formed and just laid itself on the paper (well, almost). It accompanies a very fun story by Patricia Rust.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I've gotten to do a couple of pieces for the Los Angeles Times' Kid's Reading Room. This is a sketch for an illustration that accompanied the delightful story by Donna Gephart, author of As If Being 12 1/2 Isn't Bad Enough, My Mother is Running for President (visit her at in the Oct. 4 edition. Here's the final story and picture: "Do I Have To Go To School Today?"

There's one more in the pipeline. This is a preliminary idea for the illustration accompanying a story for the Oct. 25 edition. I think all artists have particular favorite themes. I love the man in the moon - or more correctly - the men in the moon. Every opportunity to do an image with a moon conjures up a whole new personality. And they seem so happily above the fray of our little anthill on earth.